Friday, June 12, 2009

Thank you Anna!

This morning I was not feeling well. I had a bug of some sort that was making my tummy upset and other things we won't mention. Well I asked Anna if she would help with Elijah a little bit.

I must have fallen asleep on the couch because the next thing I know Anna is waking me up telling me she has to go to school. But she put me at ease letting me know she changed the boys diapers and had got David his morning cocoa. I asked where Lexie was and Anna informed me she helped Lexie get ready and Lexie had already left for school.

Anna left for school and I looked around to discover she had started a movie for David and Elijah was well equipped with a basket of toys. I am so blessed to have such wonderful children. Thank you Anna for taking care of you mother. You are such a sweetheart.


  1. What a sweetheart! :) I hope you're feeling better now.

  2. I truly love that Anna in Young Women's!! Reading this made me get a bit teary-eyed! What a wonderful girl!

  3. Anna is so sweet! She is so thoughtful and always says thank you for whatever we have done at YW :-)
