Friday, June 5, 2009

A Little goes a LONG way!

Just an FYI a little bottle of children Vick's Vapor Rub goes a long way.
  • You can cover your entire body with it.
  • It works as a great paste in a baby's hair.
  • If you mix it with eyeshadow it makes a pretty paste you can spread over your body (which is already covered with it)
  • Plus there is enough to you can leave it in mysterious places for your mom to find.
Can you guess what David was up to this morning? Always an adventure with this little guy.
**By the way, washing it off, even with soap doesn't get that slimy feeling all the way off.**


  1. Oh my Gosh!!! I can't even imagine...

  2. I was wondering what I could do with my extra vapor rub - thanks for the ideas David!!
