Saturday, June 20, 2009

Can't Live with Em'....Can't Live without Em'

That has become the theme for our home since Sadie has begun her pre-teen years. Last week Sadie was off to Oakcrest. I say if you want to start the summer right you should start with a week at camp.

Sadie left on Monday and was to return on Friday. On Thursday we received a letter from Sadie saying she was having a good time but was terribly homesick. She said how much she missed us, especially me.

Sometimes you need to hear those things when your little ones reach teenage years. Because most the time you think they are counting the days till they are old enough to move out.

I was glad when my little girl came home. She really is such a sweet girl. I think the two of us clash so much because we are so alike.

I couldn't end without saying how unfair it is that Sadie and Kylie look so good in this picture. This was taken when they got off the bus to come home. I always looked like I needed to be hosed down before I got in the car after camping.


  1. Oh - what great memories I have of Oakcrest! That is so fun that Sadie got to go! She does look amazingly great for coming home from camp!

  2. I can't believe how old Sadie has gotten. She looks like a teenager now.
