Saturday, March 21, 2009

Where Much is Given....

Being a mom has been one of the greatest blessing in my life. There is nothing that has taught me more or brought me closer to my Heavenly Father. I didn't understand that until Steve lost his job several years ago. I had to work full time and Steve became Mr. Mom. I thought I would love the break. Steve would have to deal with the fighting and crying and other stresses I had to deal with. But I hated it. I found my job empty and unfulfilling. I dreaded every day I was not able to be home caring for my children. All I wanted was to quit and get to be a mom again.

Since then I try to be grateful for the trials and stress that come with raising my children. I have learned that my attitude plays the biggest part in my role of being a mom. Unfortunately I am not perfect yet. I still complain and wish trials didn't come my way. I still clash with my teenagers far more often than I like. I have days that I want to run away after hearing crying and fighting all day long. But I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world. My family is my greatest gift and blessing. I am here on this earth to learn and grow and it's just part of the package.

Because I am a mother, I hold God's greatest prize.
And he expects great things of me witha task such a size.

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