Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I Need to Vent....

Okay so this is not me in my situation today.
But it was the best  I could find online.  
I can't post without a pic. 

Typically most things that bug me come and go but this one I had to blog about.  Today I was at my mom's visiting with my sister.  While visiting, a car pulled over in front of my mom's house.  That isn't too unusual because she lives on a somewhat busy street and there is a church across the street.  So random things with traffic happen.

A few minutes later I noticed the woman was coming up the driveway.  I went out to meet her and she informed me she had run out of gas and would not be able to have someone come help her for a few hours.  I asked if she would like us to help her push it over to the curb because it was somewhat blocking my parents driveway.

She was afraid that it would be ticketed or hit so she wanted to know if we could try to maneuver it to the church parking lot.  It wasn't too far but certainly not a quick step or two but I told her my sister and I would be happy to try.  

With the help of my sister we pushed and shoved getting the car rolling.  Slowly it moved and we started coasting in the right direction.  As we pushed it toward the parking lot I noticed a car parked in the lot.  Inside was a man and woman talking.  I said to my sister in a very loud voice, "What the heck!  I can't believe that guy is watching us and has made no effort to come and help."  My sister told me to lower my voice or he might hear me.  I said, "Good!"

Anyway I helped the lady and her three young children get to their home so they didn't have to walk or wait in the cold and all was fine.  But I just HAD to blog about how bugged I was at the callous attitude of this man.  How he could sit in his nice warm car as a woman with three young children had two women help push her to safety.  There now I feel better that I have blogged that and I can let it go.

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